Monday, May 24, 2010

Which friend should i invite to lock-in at my church?

Which friend should i invite to lock-in at my church?

friend A- if i went with her i would have a good time. But i kinda dont wanna go with her because well i just don't for a reason. her parents would definiately let her go.

friend B- If i invited her i would have an ok time. she definitely makes me laugh but i kinda dont wanna go with her either. umm , i think her parents would let her go

friend C- if i went with her i would have a good time. it may be kind of awkward at some points but i think it would go ok. i dont know her parents at all. not so sure they would let her go

Friend D- i would have a good time with her. she always makes me laugh.. but she might try and pull some pranks and i dont want to be embarassed at my church.. her parents would probably let her go but i dont know them

E- i would have an ok time with her. her parents would let her go

F- If i invited her i would have a good time. Her parents would let her go. we would have fun. it wud be ok.

Which friend should i invite to lock-in at my church?
You know what they LAST is BEST!

Go with F sounds like the one you already chose.
Reply:Friend F- If i invited her i would have a good time. Her parents would let her go. we would have fun. it wud be ok.

First you say you'll have a good time, then you say you'll have fun, and then you say "it would be ok????"

I say Friend F even though I'm confused.
Reply:Invite Friend F. If she can't go, invite A, B, or E. You want to have a good time, but you don't want things to be awkward for any reasons, and you don't want someone pulling pranks at your church. If you can invite them all, or more than one, that would be a lot of fun. Lock-ins are always fun with more people! Whoever you invite, I hope you have fun!
Reply:friend F- sounds like the best choice
Reply:what is "lock-in at my church"?

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