Monday, May 24, 2010

This is about loyalty to friendship. Help me. I have a 2 friends who have been my friend for about 10 yrs?

one of them friend A is very jealous cause friend B is always spending time with me and hanging out with me cause we are more alike and we talk to each other almost everyday. friend A has discouraged friend B cause she thinks i tell it like it is very honest and open but friend B loves my honesty and has no problem. Except that this Friend B came on to my husband and i did not like it so we stopped ebing friends but she aplogized and I realize that friend B gets that way only when she is drunk. so we have been trying to work it out. Now friend B is running to friend A and friend A is telling her things like..if you don;t like the way Friend c is then don't be her don't u thinks she;s doing it cause she is trying to sever our friendship? I actually enjoy being with friend B she';s fun and yes she hurt me ..but i know we can work things out...she knows what she did was wrong..but recently friend A is hanging around with friend B a lot more .wat do u think%26gt;

This is about loyalty to friendship. Help me. I have a 2 friends who have been my friend for about 10 yrs?
You need to get new friends. I had a friend like your frend B for a long long time, not only did she come on to my husband, but every darn boyfriend I ever had. She was drunk too, but after a while, no excuse....dump her, trust me it won't won't. Figure our how much the others mean to you, I ended up kind of dumping all of them, it is sad but too much drama and the drunk cheater has them all wrapped around her little finger. good luck.
Reply:This was very confusing to read. And it sounds very childish.

You are all friends. It shouldn't matter who spends more time with whom. You should plan time for the three of you to be together. Show Friend A that it's not a battle or choosing favorites.
Reply:Move on and find friend D E F and kick A and B to the curb... gaming playing is not what you want in a healthy relationship... this crap will never stop betweent the two of them... let them have each other and ler them know it... I hate two facedd people... I want honesty and true loyalty when it come to my best buds... hold higher standards whe it comes to the people in you life... this all comes from experience... believe me...

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