Monday, May 24, 2010

Friend Issues?

So, I've just started playing on a sports team, along with four of my close friends. Yesterday, one of my best friends(let's call her A) told me after practice that another one of our friends(B) had told A that she hated being partnered up with friend C because she was 'bad' at playing. B isn't that good either, and I don't think anybody at this point is. I want to confront her and ask her why she would say such a thing, but I don't want to seem like the gossipy-nosey one. What should I do? I feel really bad for friend C. Hope this isn't too confusing.

Friend Issues?
ask friend b why she would say something to friend c. If all of you guys are close friends, she shouldnt be saying anything about friend c. It shouldnt matter if your good at a game or not. You should ask your friend if she would rather be with a good player that she hated or that hated her, or would she rather be with a really close friend and have her not be so good. I would rather pick the be with a close friend thats not very good. Hope I helped :)
Reply:you schold worry about it are guys firends so dose matter what c beause wa a bad player not very one does in the being you so have pactrices more thats crazy you all firend you schold given it hole and stikll to other
Reply:dont confront friend "b" since the info wasnt recieved by you and instead ask friend "c" if she would like to practice with you away from practice or maybe all 4 of you can practice together.
Reply:This reminds me of the time when I was on a soccer team with my 3 best friends. It was pretty bad since they didn't really get along with each other. But we worked it out and practiced a lot. Try working with C alone on her sports skills. Invite her over to help you practice and maybe she'll catch on too. IM me if you need some more help! :)
Reply:Confront her! Don't worry about seeming like the gossipy nosey one. Everyone is gossipy and nosey. You'll be the strong one who is willing to stand up for things you feel strong about! Empower yourself!

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