Monday, May 24, 2010

My Friend?

Ok my friend... ill call her K... i guess...

Well me and K got in a fight with our other best friend C

bcuase me and K got to know each other better and went into town with out C and she got mad

C would boss us around and say bad comments about us all the time and expected us not to get mad

So Me and K kept saying that we were much happier without C and we had a much better life So we both made a Promise not to become friends with C ever again or Our lives will be terrible again.

Well C would talk to K more and more each day just so i wouldnt talk to K cuase i tried to advoid C as much as Possible and if she was talking to K i would advoid it and talk to my other friends...

I talked to K about it and she said "I dont know she just kept talking to me"

Then days and days after that they went to places together and luaghed so hard in the hallway.

now when I try to talk to K about it she will just Change the subject or say "I dont want to talk about this now"

What do I do?

My Friend?
C is only doing that to bother you...or to get K away from you. Maybe you should be friends with C again...let bygones be bygones, and see if she is different this time around. Maybe she learned her lesson and is being a better friend. In the very least, act like it doesn't bother you when she does that. She probably has seen you avoid her and so she tries to make herself unavoidable.

Since she keeps hovering over your friend, then you have to stop avoiding her or you will lose K too.
Reply:This seems awfully long and petty to me, but I'm a guy.

Do what seems right to you. Making a promise not to ever be friends with someone seems stupid, but I'm 60 years old and don't always change my socks every day. I need all the firends I can get.
Reply:I had the EXACT same problem last year at school-i had 2 best friends D and E and E and i were closer even though me and D were friends first so we kind of done the same thing that u and K did. Over the year we all got and fights all of the time and we would all end up crying at one point. Eventually me and E became really really tight-no one on this planet knows me better than she does-she is also the only person on this earth that i can talk to on the phone for 12 hours straight (no joke). Anyway this year me and E have 2 classes together %26amp; lunch together and neither one of us have classes with D! We are free at last!

BTW-I wudn't tell K how u feel because if your current situation and my old situation are alike-then she will tell you that ur jealous. Just wait it out. Threesomes suck don't they?

how old r u?

2days my b-day yay!

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