Monday, May 24, 2010

My ex- friend keeps trying to fight with me!?

I was really good friends with this girl at school, let callher friend A. She's been treating me and my BEST FRIEND really mean. We'll call her friend B. So, I was just going on with my business and had my AIM logged on but I wasn't really paying attention to it. Friend A sent me an IM that said "I don't want to talk to you and neither does*****" we'll call ****** friend C. *I don't like to put my friends names on here cause I don't want some stalker to kill them.* So I said what most people was and I said "Why I didn't do anything to you or friend C" and her reply was "because I don't think you are a good friend and I don't want to be part of this. You are going to do something that who knows what?! You are going to get us in SOO much trouble later on in life." So, I went on to my life. But my mom thinks that friend A is going 2 get us and herself in trouble.!!

Please don't report me!

~thanks, Momo!~

My ex- friend keeps trying to fight with me!?
LOL ha ha
Reply:I'm lost trying to read this...

Anyway, if people are saying that crap to you, they're idiots and you don't need them or their phony fair-weather friendship. Forget about them and make other friends.

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