Monday, May 24, 2010

Who is "the backbone of a student"?a)self,b)parents,c)fr...

justice u'r answer with some ideas.

Who is "the backbone of a student"?a)self,b)parents,c)fr...
when you say backbone i relate that to the support system ...i would say parents are the backbone and self is body as a whole ... parents provide us with the support mentally financially emotionally and even physically ... but unless we ourself want to go out and acheive something we will not ... for eg - people who r lazy and just sit in the couch whole day watching tv does not necessarily have weak or no backbone ... its their choice to waste their life .. at the same time anytime they decide to stand up and do something they can do that .... the same goes with our support system ie our parents ...
Reply:Obviously,parents because u are their student first.
Reply:Guru / Teacher with expert skills and vision
Reply:the answer lies between all the three if parents are supportive,encouraging then only u can do the work perfectly but your efforts also takes equal importance if parents are not supportive your friends may give u support but u should make effort so self plays a vital role
Reply:Self. Students with great parents can do poorly, and students with horrible parents can excel. Students with tons of great friends can also end up doing poorly, while students without any friends do well. Why? - Because of what is going on within themselves. The only constant in all these situations is the student/"self."
Reply:as a student has his own intention in development, then only he can i think self is the backbone of the student.....if he himself dont want to develop,then parents or friends cant do,along with his own ideas, he has to develop with the suggestions of parents or friends or teachers....
Reply:as u said a 'backbone', consider first of all urself, then your parents, ur teachers, school, classmates ,all like the dics of a backbone - all seperate yet linked together to form a firm and strong backbone.
Reply:The backbone for learning is inquisity.

Inquisity is provided by self.

Parents only guide, so do teachers, books etc.

Therefore inquisity embedded in the character of self is the real backbone for a student.
Reply:class room chairs
Reply:i think for a student his parents and teachers are his backbone because due to their guidance and support a student is able to do a better job. but sometimes he himself is the backbone because in last he has to study and not his parents or teachers.
Reply:the teacher , to be more specific - the childs first teacher. a parent can instill morals, common sense, the discipline, "manners to listen" but the childs first teacher is the only one who can instill in him the yearning to learn, the tools to learn. only a good first teacher can and prepare him , give him the tools and open up the doors to the paths of every bit of knowledge. a good teacher sends that child on a life long quest to find the answers , to ask the questions. having children that have had both good and bad first teachers i have seen for myself the difference in the childs attitude towards the aquisition of knowledge.
Reply:self. No matterhow much someone motivates the student, he can only do well IF HE WANTS to. Also , i have friends who without any motivation have done it on their own.
Reply:Self of course.

There a A LOT of students who are orphans who do just fine.
Reply:The GURU , the teacher , the professor ,

He is the parent , he is the god ,

He is the way and he is source

He is the force and he gives the power

He makes the student stand upright

He harmonises his brain and steps
Reply:I'd say friends.Sometimes you confide more in a friend than in a parent because they're usually your age or anyway teenagers and they have problems too,they understand you better.Parents are older ,they don't shear the same ideas like teenagers,they don't go trough the same problems and they think that they always know what's best for you...I have some wonderful friends and it's great to know that I'll always have on who to lean over.
Reply:there four backbones.

first mother,second father,third guru,and Fourth god.
Reply:financial %26amp; emotional support - parents,

emotional %26amp; educational support -friends,

self confidence %26amp; interest -self.

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