Saturday, May 22, 2010

My friend had her 2nd baby last year, now I think she avoids me b/c she's bitter at me for being child-free?

We used to be able to do stuff together, but now she won't ever plan anything-either with the kids, so I can see them or away from the kids so I can get her mind off her responsibilities. I know having two young children is hard on her, but she won't even let me help out. She pushes me away.

And a month ago when I wrote her to tell her I had major surgery, her reply was "It must be nice to get to lay around for a month and recover." She went on to say nicer things, hoping I recoverd soon, but I could definitely tell she was embittered. How do I get through to her?

My friend had her 2nd baby last year, now I think she avoids me b/c she's bitter at me for being child-free?
maybe she doesn't want anything to do with you.
Reply:then make a dam baby !have you seen baby mama yet it is in theaters in l.a.
Reply:explain to her how important your friendship is to you and that it shouldn't end over jealously.
Reply:wow. new babies new more care than anything and she may feel that she want to raise her child alone. but you can say look i will offer to watch your child while you go and have some free time or space. or you can say look i want to go here and i know that you cant find a baby siter and i dont mind that you take the child with us.
Reply:she is probable just over whelmed right now. ask her if u can take the kids to the park or zoo or something


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