Saturday, May 22, 2010

Does my friend have the right to hate me&spread rumors about me just b/c i like her ex? its not fair to me!?

If this is the case did you tell her you like him or did somone else? and it doesn't seem like either of you are to good of friends for doing this to each other

Does my friend have the right to hate me%26amp;spread rumors about me just b/c i like her ex? its not fair to me!?
she has no right but go like someone else.
Reply:i would say yes because a very strict rule to go by is don 't go behind your friends and family!!!!
Reply:Actually, she has. She has the right to say what she wants and feel what she feels but you also have the right to do the same. Or you could just ignore her and find better friends out there.
Reply:no she doesn't i went out wit my best friends ex now she's telling me all thhis stuff but i just ignore her and continue
Reply:thats NOT your friend! but you should respect your friend too and not like her ex...find someone your friends never dated....theres hundreds out there
Reply:there is that rule among friends that you dont date their ex or sister / if she minds, you better find someone else to like, if you wanna save the friendship, and especially if her ex doesnt like you, then there is no point to lose a friend over a guy..


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