Monday, May 24, 2010

I try to send messages to my friend on myspace but it keeps saying: You can't send a message to _____ b\c

_______'s status is set to away. She has no idea why it's doing that. What does she have to go into to get it to let people send messages?

I try to send messages to my friend on myspace but it keeps saying: You can't send a message to _____ b\c
Go here, or tell her to go here to change the setting. For the record, it's under Account Settings %26gt;%26gt; Miscellaneous
Reply:Basically they have their away settings turned on. All they need to do is turn it off and you should be good to go
Reply:she has to go into her account settings.

then when she gets there she clicks


then she scrolls down and checks to see if under the heading away message there is not check in the box next to show away message if there is a check click it to uncheck it then scroll down and press save all changes.

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