Monday, May 24, 2010

Am I wrong to give an ultimatum to my boyfriend about his pothead friend?

I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years, and living together the last 2 years. He had a serious drug addiction to meth and pot, and went to residential treatment for a little over 6 months- Feb. '07 to Sep. '07 and came home. The problem is we have a guy friend "C" who is a really good guy, but a SERIOUS pothead and smokes weed all the time. While my bf was in rehab, my bf even said that he doesn't think he can be friends or hang out with "C" anymore. When my bf got back from rehab, a month later I allowed him to hang out with "C" at C's house almost every weekend. I don't know if my bf is lying or not, but he said that while "C" would smoke weed, he would go outside and have a cigarette. I trusted my bf in hoping he won't get addictive cravings and start weed again, and I trusted our friend "C" to watch out for him. Last Sunday, I caught my bf in C's truck, and it was all smoky inside. My bf claims he didn't smoke weed and was just talking. I told him I would buy a drug test from

Am I wrong to give an ultimatum to my boyfriend about his pothead friend?
It sounds like your boyfriend isn't worth it if he's going to lie to you! And no, your not being a parent, or being overcontrolling, you're just caring about their health! They both sound like jerks, no offense. Tell him to try to stop, and if he doesn't, tell him it's over. You seem to be the mature one in this situation.
Reply:he wont change for you... sorry to say. you shold leave so he can spend time with what he really loves... his weed.

I know how you feel i left a girl because she woudnt quit the weed...
Reply:first of all, you can still pass a drug test if you were in the car "just talking". thats hilarious. second, if i were you, i would be more concerned about the meth than the weed. weed isnt hard to get over, meth is the devils candy.
Reply:Having anything to do with drugs, or with anyone who does, is adequate grounds for dumping.
Reply:I don't think this kind of relationship is healthy for you. While I think it is very nice of you to care so much, I do think you need to back away. Let him realize that not only has his habits caused him trouble with the law, but it has pushed you away. Don't give up an him though. Tell him that you will help him as best you can as a friend. But that you can't be with someone you can't trust to be there for you, when he can't even help himself. Let him know that if he gets his act together you two may have a shot at being more then friends again.
Reply:its just weed get over it that aint no drug nor an addiction

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