Monday, May 24, 2010

Do guys mind if their girlfriend have intimate relationship with another friend before?

This guy B and me had a complex relationship. He likes me but he cant commit to this relationship yet. So we never let any of friends know about it. We quarrel over this usual relationship many times and eventually I decide to end it and ignore him. He immediately ask me out to talk when he realise that I'm ignoring him. At this stage he still cant promise me anything so I continue ignoring him. After a few months one of his friend C starts to date me and we got together but I never told him about my previous relationship with B. But 1 day C initiate to break up with me. Later on I found out he left me for another girl. Few days after the break up, B call me for a talk after learning I was together with C through another friend. He did not know I just break up with C then. During the talk I told him about wat happen between me and C. Then he tell me how sad he was when he heard about me together with C thats y he call for a talk. Now the new problem between me and B is C.

Do guys mind if their girlfriend have intimate relationship with another friend before?
forget about wats gone. have afresh start. Gud Luck
Reply:B should scram
Reply:To me this sounds like a classic case of "he doesn't want you, but he doesn't want anyone else to have you either." My advice is to leave this guy alone, date who you want, and stop agreeing to meet with him for "talks". He is going to give you the guilt trip and more empty promises every time he hears about you seeing someone else. Good luck and I hope you find happiness with a great guy who truly deserves you and wants a healthy relationship.
Reply:What's happened, happened. That should'nt matter. It all depends on how legit you feel at the moment. You can go around doing anything you want, but at the end, if you're loyal, guys shouldn't care.
Reply:B should get a divorce.


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